September, 2020

On the 17th of September Šiauliai University Institute of Regional Development and Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part in the webinar-round table discussion “Does EU’s regional support achieved its objectives and what are the directions for improving Cohesion policy?”There were three main presentations made by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristina Matuzeviciute (Šiauliai University, Lithuania), Programme Assistant Asta Aviete (European Commission, Belgium), Research Counsellor Jean Monnet Chair Prof. Dr. Uroš Pinterič (Alexander Dubček University in Trenčin, Slovakia).

October, 2020

On the 15th of October Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part virtually in the plenary session of the 9th international interdisciplinary scientific conference "The Region: History, Culture, Language", organized by Šiauliai University.


Financial Help for War Victims and Latvian State Institutions by Latvians Abroad, 1914–1921

Researcher Kristīne Beķere (Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, Latvia).

Easter in Lithuania Minor: Changes and Continuity in Tradition

Researcher Dr Kristina Blockytė-Naujokė (Department of Philology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Klaipėda University, Lithuania).

Attitudes Towards Non-Conventional Healing Practice(s) in Local and Global Contexts

Researcher Dr Reda Šatūnienė (Institute of Regional Development, Šiauliai University, Lithuania).

Reflection of Afghan Ethnic Identity in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Assist. Prof. Dr Ivana Pondeliková, Head of the Department of European Cultural Studies Dr Jana Pecníková (Department of European Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia).

November, 2020

On the 10th and the 11th of November Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part virtually in two virtual lectures: "Perspective on politics-policy mix in the context of COVID-19: the case of Slovenia" and "Policy as a victim of politics", which were given by prof. Dr Uroš Pinterič (Alexander Dubček University in Trenčin, Slovakia). Both public lectures were trying to address the development of policy activities in the unpredictable environment / situation of COVID-19. Moderators: lect. PhD student Anželika Gumuliauskienė (Šiauliai University, Lithuania) and assoc. prof. Dr Vita Juknevičienė (RENET, Šiauliai University, Lithuania).

"Perspective on politics-policy mix in the context of COVID-19: the case of Slovenia"

"Policy as a victim of politics"

Paskutinį kartą keista: Šeštadienis, 2021 kovo 6, 17:18