Įregistravimo parinktys


Blockchain is widely known as a distributed ledger technology with many salient characteristics such as decentralization, tamper-resistance, and traceability. These advantages have fostered a large number of blockchain platforms and decentralized applications (DAPP) beyond cryptocurrencies. Why does blockchain have such attracting features and application promise? What are the underlying supporting techniques? What are the overall architecture and basic components of blockchain? How does it work and what are the trending blockchain platforms? How can we develop a DAPP for practical need? In this course, we will explore blockchain foundations, including the major cryptographic techniques, distributed systems, information systems, and its basic components. We then present several representative blockchain platforms and compare them from a multi-dimensional perspective. Finally, we introduce the blockchain programming models with a specific focus on smart contract design on the Ethereum blockchain. Several application examples are provided for ease of understanding.

Intended learning outcomes:

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

1.      Understand and explain the cryptographic technique used in blockchain, CAP theorem and the trade-off among properties in distributed system, blockchain data structure, consensus algorithms, and basic work principle.

2.      Identify public, private, and consortium blockchain platforms, their differences in governance, access, security, cost…, learn how to choose a blockchain platform for your application development.

3.      Apply the basic modelling standards to develop smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain according to the application needs.

Student workload:


Total hours

Class lectures and exercises


Audio and video materials


Case studies


Further Readings




This course is offered as part of the BlockNet (“BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer”) Project funded by the European Commission in the context of the Erasmus+ program “KA2-Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for higher education” (grant no. 2018-1-LT01-KA203-047044).

  • Įregistruoti besimokantieji: 97
Savarankiška registracija (Besimokantysis)
Savarankiška registracija (Besimokantysis)