18th of May, 2023

On the 18th of May Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University together with Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part the plenary session of the 12th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "THE REGION: HISTORY, CULTURE, LANGUAGE". Presentations: 1) NATO Enlargement and the Transformation of Elites in Post-communist Europe: the Case of Bulgaria from 1960s until Present. Doctoral Researcher Nora Leach (Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); University of Nottingham, United Kingdom); Ir)relevance of the Regional Dimension in the Context of E-leadership in Local Self-government. Assoc. Prof., Dr Vita Juknevičienė, Assoc. Prof., Dr Rita Toleikienė (Vilnius University, Lithuania), Prof. Dr Irma Rybnikova (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Prof., Dr Iveta Reinholde, Assoc. Prof. Dr Inese Āboliņa (University of Latvia, Latvia); 3) Insight into the Classification of Latvian Dialects: History and Today. Full Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Dr Anna Stafecka (Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia, Latvia); 4) Speaking Territories in the Cultural Landscape Challenges of Transformation with Respect to Cultural Memory. Assoc. Prof., PhD. Jana Pecnikova (Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia).

29th of September, 2023

On the 29th of September Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part the plenary session of the 16th Jonas Pranas Aleksa international interdisciplinary scientific conference “Development of the State Role in the XXI Century: National and International Context”.

Organizers: Institute of Regional Development of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University, Institute of Lithuanian Scientific Society, Ministry of the Interior, Research Council of Lithuania, Researchers’ Excellence Network (RENET)


E-Leadership in Municipal Administrations: The Post-Pandemic Analysis. Results from Focus Groups in Latvia, Lithuania and Germany

Dr. Inese Abolina, University of Latvia (Latvia); Dr. Rita Toleikienė, Vilnius University (Lithuania); Dr. Irma Rybnikova, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Dr. Iveta Reinholde, University of Latvia (Latvia); Dr. Vita Juknevičienė, Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Presentation of results of  the project “E-leadership in municipal administrations: the post-pandemic analysis (E-LEADER)“. This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.

Lietuvos mokslininkų sąjungos veikla regionų darniajam vystymuisi / Performance of Lithuanian Scientific Society for the Regional Sustainable Development

Dr. Dalius Serafinas, Vilnius University, Lithuanian Scientific Society (Lithuania)

Strengthening Public Service Quality through Organizational Resilience: Empirical Evidence from Lithuania

Dr. Ilona Bartuševičienė, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

Science for Policy: The Case of Lithuania

Salomėja Vanagienė, Research Council of Lithuania (Lithuania)

29th of September, 2023

On the 29th of September Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part the RENETworking group in the 16th Jonas Pranas Aleksa international interdisciplinary scientific conference “Development of the State Role in the XXI Century: National and International Context”.

Working group of RENET was focused on the main topic "Increase of the regions’ resilience to crises, strengthening the local self-government and institutional potential".


A role of the state for balanced regional development: a case of Korea

Yung Lee, Chonnam National University (Korea Republic)

Digital technologies and regional development: modern aspects

Kateryna Latysh, Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (Lithuania)

The population aging and human capital development: challenges and opportunities for regional growth

Zoryna Boiarska, Osvaldas Rukšėnas, Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Glocalisation - return of the 1990s forgotten “side-concept” as a crisis-management response

Uroš Pinterič, Pomurje Science and Innovation Centre (Slovenia)

Civil society and public engagement - who gets involved and where?

Ilze Auliciema, University of Latvia (Latvia)

Vietos maisto sistemų vystymas: galimybės regionams  (Development of local food systems: opportunities for region, in Lithuanian)

Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Žemės ūkio akademija (Lietuva) / Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (Lithuania)

Sumanus miestas vs išmanus miestas: panašumai ir skirtumai (Intelligent city vs Smart city: similarities and differences, in Lithuanian)

Rytis Milkintas, Vilnius University (Lithuania)

20th of October, 2023

On the 20th of October Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part the online international discussion “E-leadership in municipal organizations: implications from Lithuanian, Latvian and German practice”. It was together organized with the Baltic-German University Liaison Office.

Keaspeakers were Prof. Dr Irma Rybnikova (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Prof. Dr Iveta Reinholde (University of Latvia, Latvia), Assoc. prof. Dr Vita Juknevičienė (Vilnius University, Lithuania). The research was leaded by Assoc. prof. Dr Rita Toleikienė (Vilnius University, Lithuania),who together with Assoc. prof. Dr Inese Abolina (University of Latvia, Latvia) have contributed to the analysis of research results and preparation of presentation - the input of the discussion.

This discussion was the part of the project “E-leadership in municipal administrations: the post-pandemic analysis (E-LEADER)“. This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.

Short video of research results

Video of the international discussion

Pēdējās izmaiņas: otrdiena, 2023. gada 7. novembris, 16:13