30th of March, 2017

On the 30th of March Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part (personally or virtually) in the plenary session of the 6th international interdisciplinary scientific conference "The Region: History, Culture, Language". Opening speeches and four presentation were made by scholars from Lithuania, Latvia and Croatia.

Opening speeches

Šiauliai University Vice-Rector for Research and Arts prof. dr. Ingrida Šaulienė,

Šiauliai University Research Institute director prof. dr. Diana Cibulskienė


Building ironwork – artefacts and recordings in the inventories of the palaces in Zemgale from the 17th and early 18th century

Senior researcher dr. Ieva Ose, Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia, Latvia.

Shifting Boundaries: Some Aspects of Space in Rainis’ Plays

Prof. dr. Zane Šiliņa, Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvia.

Bosnian-Herzegovina's Identity, Mentality and Self-Awareness in Štefa Jurkić's (1896–1971) Novels Translated into Czech

Assist. prof. dr. Draženko Tomić, assist. prof. dr. Vladimir Legac,

assoc. prof. dr. Blaženka Filipan-Žignić, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Anti-Soviet military resistance in Lithuania according CIA reports

Assoc. prof. dr. Simonas Strelcovas, Šiauliai University, Lithuania.

Photos by Regina Kvašytė

22nd of March, 2017

On the 22nd of March Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) was presented for PhD students (working in fields of Management and Economics) in Udine University (Italia) by the chairperson of coordination committee lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė.

7th of February, 2017

On the 7th of February  the first event in 2017 was organised by Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) – a virtual lecture "Fostering Teachers' Professional Development: Mentor, Project, and Community".  Presenters - RENET members prof. Kuo-Hung Huang and prof. Ching-Ching Cheng from National Chiayi University (Taiwan). The first seminar of RENET network was moderated by prof. Vincentas Lamanauskas (Šiauliai University) and dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

Photos by Zenonas Ripinskis

24th of April, 2017

Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to participate in a virtual public lecture "Wildlife Management and Conservation in Natural Forest Ecosystems" (Field - Natural Sciences).  Presenter - prof. dr. Miguel Ángel Quimbayo Cardona, Head of the Department of Forestry, University of Tolima (Colombia). He presented why wildlife studies are important to establish a relationship with vegetation, water flows and basins, encouraging the integration of applied knowledge in forestry strategies development. The lecture was moderated by lect. dr. Martynas Kazlauskas (Šiauliai University) and lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

25th of April, 2017

On the 25th of April Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to a virtual public lecture "Critical academic literacy: Paulo Freire´s lessons" (Field - Education Sciences).  Presenter - assoc. prof. dr. Claudia Riolfi from the Faculty of Education, University of Sao Paolo (Brazil). Paulo Freire (1921-1997) was a Brazilian educator and philosopher which work, foundational of the critical pedagogy, is known all over the world. Presenter discussed its up-to-dateness and applications on the context of the conquest of critical academic literacy. The lecture was moderated by prof. Vincentas Lamanauskas (Šiauliai University) and lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

25th of April, 2017

Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to a virtual public lecture "At the interface of life sciences and computing" (Field - Bioinformatics).  Presenter - assoc. prof. dr. Dhundy Bastola from School of Interdisciplinary Informatics, College of Information Science and Technology, Peter Kiewit Institute, University of Nebraska at Omaha (USA). Professor explained the importance of bioinformatics and opportunities that it provides for biology and biomedicine. The audience was familiarized with bioinformatics tools for biology and biomedicine data processing. Newest research activities and projects were presented. The lecture was moderated by assoc. prof. dr. Egidijus Paliulis (Šiauliai University), who has made an internship in mentioned Institute, and lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

26th of April 2017

On the 26th of April participants of the International Week in Šiauliai were invited to the round-table discussion "Researchers' Excellence Network - RENET", which was moderated by dr. Vita Juknevičienė - Chairperson of the Coordination Committee of RENET. Here participated representatives from universities and other High education institutions from 19 different countries: USA, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Slovenia, Belarus, Turkey, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Latvia, Georgia, India and Finland. There was a discussion about activities of RENET, membership, benefits and possible future development.

Photos by Zenonas Ripinskis

27th of April, 2017

Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to a virtual public lecture "Future perspectives of the European integration".  Presenter - RENET member prof. dr. Uroš Pinterič Faculty of Organizational Studies in Novo mesto (Slovenia). Year 2016 was the most decisive year in the recent history of the European continent within the perspective of self-reflection. For the first time internal differences created the situation when a member state decided to leave the European institutional frame. At the same time the global political environment changed from stable post bipolar hate to general political confusion resulting in alternative facts of friendship and increasing militarization. European Union stands between two fires with limited plan and limited ability to confront instability of international and internal institutional context, combined with increasing security threats and right-wing populism. In order to address this, European Commission prepared White paper on the Future of the European Union, which should provide answers, but it raises more questions instead. Different scenarios are providing different opportunities for the future. Regardless of which option will be chosen (based on experience, it will be again some kind of mix), the only option, which shall be pursued, is peace in the region. This lecture and the discussion was moderated by lect. Jurgita Mikolaitytė (Šiauliai University) and dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

12th-13th of October, 2017

6th international scientific-practical conference Good Governance at Local Self-Government: Towards Efficiency and Welfare Society"

On the 12th of October Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) and Public Administration Department of Šiauliai University (Lithuania) organised a virtual pre-conference - discussion "Research Approaches in Public Administration: Does Variety Matter?". Presenter - prof. Diana Šaparnienė, PhD (Šiauliai University, Lithuania). Keyspeakers - prof. Kenneth A. Kriz, PhD (Wichita State University, USA) and adjunct Adam Jarosz, PhD (Zielona Gora University, Poland). During the event participants tried to discuss few questions: Can we state that there is a gap between theory and practice in Public Administration research? Objectivity versus Subjectivity: which way dominate in nowadays Public Administration research field - knowledge generated inductively through experience or deductively from theory? The event was moderated by lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (RENET).

On the 13th of October Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) and Public Administration Department of Šiauliai University (Lithuania) organised the 6th international scientific-practical conference GOOD GOVERNANCE AT LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT: TOWARDS EFFICIENCY AND WELFARE SOCIETY. Plenary session of the conference was transmitted online. Presenters: Prof. Carol Ebdon, PhD (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA), Prof. Yung-Chul Lee, PhD (Chonnam National University, Korea Republic), Prof. Iveta Reinholde, PhD (University of Latvia, Latvia), Lect. PhD student Jurgita Mikolaitytė, prof. Diana Šaparnienė, PhD (Šiauliai University, Lithuania). Panel discussion: How local good governance could lead to welfare society: from perspective of different countries ? Moderator - lect. PhD student Vilma Tubutienė (Šiauliai University, Lithuania).

During the 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference "GOOD GOVERNANCE AT LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT: TOWARDS EFFICIENCY AND WELFARE STATE" (13th of October, 2017the CERTIFICATE of APPRECIATION and a special prize of RENET were presented for the member of Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) prof. dr. Carol Ebdon (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA) for the development of Good Governance idea and significant contribution to activities of  Researchers' Excellence Network. Congratulations.

16-20th of October, 2017

On the 16th of October the ERASMUS+ International Week was held in University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovak Republic).  During it the Chairperson of Coordination Committee lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė has made the presentation "RENET - Network for Researchers' Development", where she presented main activities, tasks, benefits and possibilites to join to the Network. It was agreed that Network is a wonderful possibility to strengthen internationalization and cooperation.

14th of November, 2017

Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to a virtual public lecture "Ethics and anti-corruption policy: the Italian case".  Presenter - Research Director, assist. prof. Fabio Papa, PhD (Institute of Applied Economic Research, Italy). Professor  identified links between corruption and economic growth and  explained what kind of challenges nowadays Italy meet due to corruption and organized criminality. Professor presented statistical data as well as gave many examples how Italy is trying to fight against ethical problems in politics. The representative from Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania, Šiauliai unit - Rita Šikšnienė has visited this lecture and discussed with professor issues about anticorruption policy, institutions, working in the field. The lecture was moderated by lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

23rd of November, 2017

Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to a virtual public lecture "Research Methodology in Public Administration". Director of the School of Public Administration, prof. Ethel Williams, PhD (University of Nebraska Omaha).  Professor  has more than 25 years of experience in the field of public administration with particular expertise in the area human resource management. She discussed such questions as the general role of research in public administration, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge building and scientific methods, building knowledge through scientific research. Professor shared some examples of public administration researches, gave advices how to begin valid and scientifically important research. The lecture was moderated by lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

6th of December, 2017

Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) and the Department of Public Administration invited to a virtual conference-discussion "E-democracy for society: issue of petitions". Presenters: Ms. Kätlin Joala (Advisor at European Parliament) and Mrs. Domas Griškevičius (Vice-Mayor of Šiauliai City Municipality, The Head of the Petition Commission). The event was the part of the idea I am responsible citizen of the EU” implementation, which was patronized by European Parliament member Valentinas Mazuronis.

Democracy has to be maintained and promoted in the 21st-century of information and communications technology. Young people under the age of 35, have been noted for their lack of political interest and activity. E-democracy has been suggested as a possible method to increasevoter turout, democratic participation, and political knowledge in youth. A petition is a request to do something, most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. The aim of the video conference and disucussion was to bring together youth and practitioners for the dialog about possibilities to initiate changes in legislation (at EU, national and local levels). Main discussion questions were: Is petition a popular instrument of e-democracy (in EU, national, local levels)? What are procedures to submitt the e-petition? What is the practice of petitions? What challenges do institutions and authorities meet due to e-democracy and petitions?

The event was moderated by Giedrė Brazlauskaitė (Representative of EP member Valentinas Mazuronis in Šiauliai region, Lithuania), lect. Beatričė Poškuvienė (Šiauliai University, Lithuania), lect. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (Chairperson of RENET Coordination Committee).

Photos by Zenonas Ripinskis

Utolsó módosítás: 2022. augusztus 9., kedd, 18:14