28th of March, 2019

Plenary session of the 8th international interdisciplinary scientific conference "The Region: History, Language, Culture" (Field - Humanities).

The Role of Latvian Catholic Church Textiles in Perfecting People’s Aesthetic Values

A Head of the Ethnographic Department at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia, Senior researcher at the Latvia University Institute of Latvian History dr. Aija Jansone (Latvia).

Ethnological, Teleological and Axiological Components of the Traditional

Upbringing in the Early 20th Century in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb dr. Draženko Tomić (Croatia), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb dr. Vladimir Legac (Croatia), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb dr. Krunoslav Mikulan (Croatia).

Alternative Medicine Research in Lithuania in the Context of Humanities: Revising Existing Definitions at the Theoretical and Empirical Levels

Researcher at the Šiauliai University, Institute of Regional Development dr. Reda Šatūnienė (Lithuania).

The American Approach to the Function of Music in Motion Film: Collaboration

of Bernard Herrmann and Alfred Hitchcock

PhD candidate at the Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Domantas Milius (Lithuania).

Photos by Tomas Andrijauskas

9th of April, 2019

Public lecture "The innovation potential of Bulgarian economy in the European context". Presenter - assist. prof. Dr Daniela Ventsislavova Georgieva (International Business School - Botevgrad, Bulgaria). Moderator - Dr Vita Juknevičienė (RENET, Šiauliai University, Lithuania). (Field - Business and Public Management).

Photos by Tomas Andrijauskas

9th of April, 2019

Public lecture "Post-Exit in European Union". Presenter - Jean Monnet Chair, Prof. Dr Uroš Pinterič (Faculty of Organizational Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia). Moderator - Dr Vita Juknevičienė (RENET, Šiauliai University, Lithuania). (Field - Political Sciences, Public Administration).

Photos by Vita Juknevičienė

16th of May, 2019

Public lecture "The Use of Theoretical Frameworks in the Study of Public Administration". Presenter - Prof. Dr Robert Blair (School of Public Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha, U.S.A.). Moderator - Lect. PhD student Vilma Tubutienė (RENET, Šiauliai University, Lithuania). (Field - Public Administration).

Photo by Tomas Andrijauskas

19th of September, 2019

The international scientific discussion "E-leadership in local government organizations: cases of Baltic States and Germany". Presenters: prof. Dr Irma Rybnikova (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Dr Inese Abolina (University of Latvia, Latvia), prof. Dr Iveta Renholde (University of Latvia, Latvia), prof. Dr Maaja Vadi (University of Tartu, Estonia), PhD student Janika Sillamäe (University of Tartu, Estonia), Dr Rita Toleikienė (Šiauliai University, Lithuania), assoc. prof. Dr Vita Juknevičienė (Šiauliai University, Lithuania).

* The event was the part of the project “E-leadership in local government organizations“. This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany. Agreement No. 2019/14 on financing the project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office Nr.SU-27- (8.2). 

Photos by Tomas Andrijauskas

29th of October, 2019

Public lecture "In search of the deal - Brexit and beyond". Presenter - Jean Monnet Chair, Prof. Dr Uroš Pinterič (Faculty of Organizational Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia). Moderator - Dr Vita Juknevičienė (RENET, Šiauliai University, Lithuania). (Field - Political Sciences, Public Administration).

Photo by Tomas Andrijauskas

Photos by Vita Juknevičienė

Zuletzt geändert: Dienstag, 9. August 2022, 19:17