16th of May, 2024

On the 16th of May Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University together with Researchers' Excellence Network (RENET) invited to take the part the plenary session of the 13th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "THE REGION: HISTORY, CULTURE, LANGUAGE".


  1. Formulation and Testing of an Alternative Regional Competitiveness Index (ARCI). Prof. Dr Daniel Francois Meyer (University of Johannesburg, South Africa Republic).
  2. Former Monastic Libraries from the Area of the Current Lodz Voivodeship in Historical and Bibliological Research. Dr PhD Tomasz Stolarczyk (Library of Lodz University, Poland).
  3. Reaching the Public in the Soviet Period: the Work of Latvian Ethnographers. Dr Ieva Pīgozne (Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, Latvia).
  4. Dictionaries of Lithuanian and Latvian Onomastics: Comparative Research. Assoc. Prof. Dr Regina Kvašytė (Vilnius University, Šiauliai Academy, Lithuania).

Moderators - assoc. prof. Dr Vita Juknevičienė (Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Lithuania, RENET) and PhD student Rytis Milkintas (Vilnius University, Lithuania).


27th of September, 2024

On the 27th of September, Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University and Researchers' Excellence Network, in cooperation with the Institute of Lithuanian Scientific Society, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and Research Council of Lithuania invited to the 17th Jonas Pranas Aleksa international interdisciplinary scientific conference “Development of the State Role in the XXI Century: National and International Context”. The main topic of the conference was "Open, Transparent and Resilient Governance". The conference has attracted 26 presentations, prepared by representatives from14 countries.

The conference consisted of 4 sessions - Plenary session and 3 working groups. 


Open, Transparent and Resilient Governance: Counterterrorism in the UK

Dr Christopher Baker-Beall, Programme Leader: MSc Disaster Management, Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University (United Kingdom);

Nora Leach, Doctoral Researcher of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Trust and Leadership – a Facilitator’s Perspective

Sean Bittick, C-UAS & Capability Development Officer, Innovation, Hybrid, & Cyber Division, NATO International Staff Civilian

Transparent Society – Strong State

Benas Aldakauskas, Head of Anti-corruption Education Division, Special Investigation Service (STT) (Lithuania)

An Assessment of Governance in South Africa with a Focus on Openness and Transparency

Dr Daniel F. Meyer, professor in the School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy in the College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg (South Africa);

Dr Danielle Nel-Sanders, professor in the School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy in the College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)


Sovereignty in XXI Century: Between War and Slavery

Uroš Pinterič, Alexander Dubček University in Trenčin (Slovakia), Institute ZIS Pomurje (Slovenia)

Sovereignty of the Nations and Trapped into Political Interests

Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Institute ZIS Pomurje (Slovenia)

Formation and Development of the Organization Culture of the State Services and Local Government Bodies

Marian Tripak, Oleksandr Lavruk, Kamianets-Podilskyi state institute (Ukraine)

State Support of Entrepreneurs under the Regulation of the Green Deal in Latvia

Baiba Rivža, Ilona Beizītere, Latvia University of Life sciences and Technologies (Latvia)

Socio-economic Factors Related to the Perception of Nature as a Value by Rural Residents in Poland and Lithuania – Challenges for State and Local Government Policy

Agnieszka Wojewódzka-Wiewiórska, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland);

Gintarė Vaznonienė, Bernardas Vaznonis, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

The Expression of Smartness’ Dimensions in the Culture Management

Rytis Milkintas, Vilnius University (Lithuania)


Transforming Public Administration to Public Governance: Stage Characteristics and Features

Oleksandra Cherednichenko, Aleksandras Patapas, Aistė Diržytė, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

Government Trust & E-government Performance - Focusing on Government Website Quality and Usage in Korea

Hyesong Ha, Nazarbayev University (Republic of Kazakhstan)

E-Government Solutions for Enhanced Transparency and Citizen Participation

Elena Gurgu, Spiru Haret University, The Directorate for Culture of the Bucharest Municipality, Ministry of Culture (Romania);

Vita Juknevičienė, Rita Toleikienė, Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Youth Anti-corruption Potential: Insights from Germany, Lithuania and Spain

Nora Leach, ESRC, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), University of Nottingham (United Kingdom);

Rita Toleikienė, Vita Juknevičienė, Sigitas Balčiūnas, Vilnius University (Lithuania);

Thomas Baumgärtler, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany);

Paula Anton Maraña, Julieta Diez Hernandez, Burgos University (Spain)

Chaos and Decision Making in Schools and Other Educational Institutions

Süleyman Göksoy, Düzce University (Turkey)

Impact of Global Value Chains on the Innovation Potential of Bulgarian Enterprises and Regions

Daniela Ventsislavova Georgieva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria);

Teodora Marinova Georgieva, Sofia University (Bulgaria)


Lietuvos lyderystė stiprinant atsparumą Kinijos autoritarinei prievartai /

Lithuania’s Leadership in Strengthening the Resilience to the China’s Authoritarian Coercion

Martinas Malužinas, Košalino technikos universitetas (Lenkija) / Politechnika Koszalińska (Poland)

Lietuvos darbo rinkos situacija dabartinių ekonominių ir socialinių pokyčių fone* /

The Situation of the Lithuanian Labor Market in the Context of Current Economic and Social Changes*

Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Arūnas Pocius, Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras (Lietuva) / Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (Lithuania)

* Remiantis mokslo projekto (Nr. S-MIP-24-27) rezultatais, kuris finansuojamas Lietuvos mokslo tarybos lėšomis / Based on project results under agreement (No. S-MIP-24-27) with the Research Council of Lithuania

Kas yra mažoji vietos savivalda ir kaip ji buvo plėtojama Lietuvoje nuo 1990 metų iki šių dienų /

What is the Small Local Government and How It Has Been Developed in Lithuania Since the 1990s to the Present Days

Algirdas Astrauskas, Mykolo Romerio universitetas (Lietuva) / Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

Bendrojo vertinimo modelio diegimas Šiaulių miesto švietimo įstaigose: sunkumai ir pasiekimai /

Implementation of the General Assessment Model in the Educational Institutions of Šiauliai: Difficulties and Achievements

Vilma Tubutienė, Dalius Serafinas, Vilniaus universitetas (Lietuva) / Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Besimokantis miestas: Šiaulių perspektyvos ir iššūkiai /

A Learning City: Šiauliais Perspectives and Challenges

Vilma Tubutienė, Vilniaus universitetas  (Lietuva) / Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Dirbtinio intelekto teorinio brandos modelio dimensijos /

Dimensions of the Theoretical Model of the Maturity of Artificial Intelligence

Gvidas Petružis, Vilniaus universitetas (Lietuva) / Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Piliečių e. dalyvavimas viešojo valdymo skaitmeninės transformacijos kontekste: teorinis diskursas

Citizen E-participation in the Context of Digital Transformation of Governance: Theoretical Discourse

Morta Butkė, Violeta Kiurienė, Vilniaus universitetas (Lietuva) / Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Hibridinių organizacijų strateginio valdymo dilemos: AB „Klaipėdos energija“ atvejis

Dilemmas of Strategic Management of Hybrid Organizations: the Case of the Public LLC “Klaipėdos energija”

Margarita Charitonova, Vilniaus universitetas (Lietuva) / Vilnius University (Lithuania)

10th of October, 2024

On the 10th of October, RENET invited to the online public lecture "Former Pauline libraries in Oporów, Wieluń and Wielgomłyny and their books". Keynote speaker was historian Dr Tomasz Stolarczyk from the Library of the University of Lodz (Poland). In his lecture Dr Tomasz Stolarczyk discussed the eighteenth-century book collections of the former Pauline libraries in Oporów, Wieluń and Wielgomłyny. First, he outlined the history of these convents. He discussed the basic source for reconstructing the book collections of interest to us, i.e. library inventories from the eighteenth century. Moreover, he presented the most important books from the Pauline libraries in Oporów, Wieluń and Wielgomłyny, according to the subject classification. 

Video will be prepared soon.

Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2024, 19:53